It looks like one of our favorite celebs is in the market for a new ride. David Beckham‘s Rolls Royce Drophead Coupe appears to be for sale at Towbin Rolls Royce in Las Vegas.
Beckham hopped out in this thing originally in June of 2008 so it’s no surprise to us that it’s time for something new and that he only stacked up just over 5k on the odometer! Originally it was sporting just a little extra black here and there and DUB license plates but we noticed that in 2011 he fully committed on blacking it out including the front grill, door handles, and back license plate area.
If you recall when Beckham’s Porsche Turbo was for sale on eBay the thing went through the roof and received crazy gossip news coverage all over the globe including the front page on the Daily Mail. My guess is that this Rolls Royce wont make as much as a splash being that you’re going to need $350K+ to pick up a Rolls Royce Drophead even if wasn’t owned by Beckham!
So the next logical question is what will Beckham get next?
Here are some more pics of it on the lot at Towbin!