Celebrity Cars Blog

Beyonce Buys Jay-Z a Bugatti for his Birthday

Some people just have it all. Jay-Z not only has a rap empire under his wing, but he has something better– a hot and talented wife who knows what’s best for him! Beyonce reportedly bought a Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport as a gift on his 41st birthday. Jay-Z already owns a Maybach, a Ferrari and a Pagani, and now this beauty! Stay fly Jay-Z!

Jay-Z's Bugatti

Source: X17 Online

Birdman Owns a Bugatti Veyron???

How the hell did I miss that one?

Elisha Cuthbert’s Porsche Carrera

24 star Elisha Cuthbert was seen stepping out of a Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet with her hair untamed. Instead of being caught looking like a wet chicken, she could have lifted off the hood for “natural” blow drying session.

Elisha Cuthbert Porsche

Source: Pacific Coast News Online

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All you have to do is tell us your name so we can give you credit, the celebrity and share the link or upload the image, it’s that easy.

Here is the tips page: https://www.celebritycarsblog.com/tips

Paris Hilton's Rolls Royce

Paris Hilton’s New Rolls Royce Ghost

Paris Hilton FINALLY ditched her pink Bentley (or so we think) for a new Rolls Royce Ghost. The actress even tweeted “The Rolls Royce Ghost drives better then any car I’ve ever driven. So smooth and such a sexy car. Loves it! :)”. Thank God for no more pink Bentleys!

Paris hilton Rolls Royce Ghost

Source: X17 Online

Paris Hilton Rolls Royce Ghost

Source: X17 Online