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Anne Hathaway: A5 vs Hipster

Apparently Anne Hathaway was involved in a car accident today with a hipster on a purple bike with white Aerospoke wheels and pink pedals… I hope her A5 is okay. Apparently the hipster tried catching his fall but his jeans were to tight so he couldn’t actually move his legs. And no he did not mess up his hair and heaven forbid wear a helmet.

Anne Hathaway: A5 vs Hipster

Bike Snob better be all over this!

Rumor Alert: Brad Pitt Driving a New Camaro SS

X17 is reporting that only a couple days after Brad Pitt’s little motorcycle mishap he was seen rocking a new Camaro SS.

Brad Pitt Driving a New Camaro SS
I guess with a goatee like that you have to drive an American car.

Nicole Richie Rear-Ended In Her Range Rover

Apparently a paparazzi got a little close and rear-ended Nicole Richie in what looks like a Range Rover Sport. I don’t keep up with here a whole lot but last I recall she had a G-Wagon. When Your rich like a Richie I’m sure you got plenty of ride to chose from. In the meantime I don’t think she’ll be piloting a rental and who is to say she wont just get rid of this one rather than waiting for it to be fixed.

Nicole Richie Rear-Ended In Her Range Rover

More Great Imagery From Fabio’s Wreck

I honestly can’t believe that Fabio stacked this think up. But to Fabio’s credit the damage looks strikingly similar to Aaron Robinson’s damage to the Ferrari 599 when he wrecked one as the Technical Editor of Car and Driver magazine.

Fabio Wrecks His Ferrari 599
Source: TMZ

Fabio Crashes His Ferrari 599

I guess Fabio still exists and looks like he made the mistake of a lifetime!!!

Fabio's Ferrari 599
Source: Jalopnik via TMZ