Usually Pamela Anderson is riding around Malibu in her white Range Rover but the other night Pam was spotted getting into a lifted Toyota Tacoma. Not exactly what I would have pictured her owning that’s for sure!
Source: X17 Online
Usually Pamela Anderson is riding around Malibu in her white Range Rover but the other night Pam was spotted getting into a lifted Toyota Tacoma. Not exactly what I would have pictured her owning that’s for sure!
Source: X17 Online
We’re experiencing deja vu. Doesn’t seem to matter what day of the week it is or month or season really, Pamela Anderson loves to wear the same outfit when we spot her in her Range Rover. Only one difference this time – you can see through her dress…obviously someone didn’t look in the mirror.
Source: X17 Online
Pamela Anderson was spotted grocery shopping in Malibu with her white Range Rover and in what seems to be very close to the same outfit we spotted her in back in December 2010. Oops!
Traditionally Pamela Anderson looks great in a white outfit and her white Range Rover but this photo is not all that attractive.
Pamela Anderson in her Range Rover