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Even Obama Needs To Gas Up Every Now and Then

I would expect the team to have everything gassed up but I guess I was wrong as Obama and crew had to stop at a Circle K to gas up while Obama was in Los Angeles for a two-day visit which included an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

Obama Gassing Up

Roll Like The President

This one wouldn’t have been hard to guess but it looks like Obama was rolling a Chrysler 300C before taking office and if you want to poney up 1 million you can buy it right now on eBay. But don’t forget this car was offered in late 2008 with a starting price of $100,000 at eBay but the auction was riddled with fake bids and the bids skyrocketed to $100 million. The auction was shut down not to long after reaching $100 million and was relisted until last week.


Obama's Chrysler 300C

Hat tip to Ken for sending us the tip!