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Kylie & Caitlyn Jenner With Their Ferrari 458 & Porsche GT3 RS!

Wow! Sometimes a pic comes along that checks all of the boxes, and this is certainly one of them! We’ve got the ever popular Kylie Jenner with her bright blue Ferrari 458 on the left, and of course Caitlyn Jenner on the right with her lovely purple Porsche GT3 RS! Two of the most popular celebs on the planet with two of the cleanest looking cars to match!

Which of the two would you take home? Blue Ferrari 458 or Purple GT3 RS?

Caitlyn Kylie Jenner Ferrari Porsche

Source (@caitlynjenner)

Thanks Jensen For The Tip!!!

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Bruce Jenner’s Porsche 914 For Sale

It’s rusty, it doesn’t run, and it has a few dents but it’s up for grabs on eBay. Jenner bought the car in 1976 right after he’d signed his first deal with Adidas and the same year he won the games. Before the 914, he was driving a $175 1963 VW bug so spending $5600 on a brand new car was a big deal. My how times have changed for Bruce Caitlyn since then….

“So I bought this brand new 914 Porsche, green in color, the only new car I’d ever bought – for $5,600. My payments were $98 and I’m thinking, how am I going to pay that?” – Bruce Jenner interview with Barbara Terry

Bruce Jenner Porsche 914

Bruce Jenner Porsche

Shout out to Eric for the tip!

Would You Complain if Your Parent Wanted You to go Race Ferraris?

You have to be really damn spoiled to complain about your parent asking you to go race Ferrari’s.

And of course if you are Kylie Jenner this is a real story.

my dad said I have to learn how to race it

A photo posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

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The Jenner Boys – Out Playing With Mom’s Toys

It appears that one of the Jenner boys was celebrating a birthday this weekend and they must have asked Caitlyn (aka mom) if they could take out her Porsche GT3RS.

The Jenner Boys out with one of Caitlyns toys

Caitlyn Jenner's Porsche GT3RS

Source: Instagram

Caitlyn Jenner in Her Porsche GT3RS

So like everyone else, I was shocked by Caitlyn Jenner.  I mean, who would have thought she wanted to shift gears while driving down the PCH.


caitlyn jenner Porsche GT3RS