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JFK Assassination Documents Archive Collection USB Card
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JFK Assassination Documents Archive Collection USB Card:

JFK Assassination Documents Archive Collection USB Card

This collection has 155,790 pages in 30 collections.

The 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy waskilled on Friday, November 22, 1963, at 12:30 p.m. in Dallas, Texas. Just past hisfirst thousand days in office, Kennedy was the youngest man elected President;he was the youngest to die.

The USB Pen card works with any device with a USB 2.0, 3.0 or 3.1interface.

The Pen card chip is housed in a metal body that is waterproof, shock-proof,temperature-proof, magnet-proof, and X-ray-proof.

Just plug the USB Pen Card into your laptop, desktop, or tablet toaccess a significant compendium of material related to the assassination ofJohn F. Kennedy and the killing of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby, and otherrelated events.

Materials include: FBI Files, Secret Service Files, WarrenCommission documents, Dallas Police Department files, homicide reports,affidavits, witness statements, newspaper articles, interviews, trialtranscripts, court documents, audio recordings, films, KGB files, NSA files,and various other documentary material.

Collected from or created by the: National Archives and RecordsAdministration, President\'s Commission on the Assassination of PresidentKennedy (Warren Commission), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), UnitedStates Secret Service, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Dallas PoliceDepartment, Dallas Municipal Archives, The United States House ofRepresentatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), RockefellerCommission (Also known as The United States President\'s Commission on CIAActivities within the United States (SSCI), Department of Defense, NationalSecurity Agency (NSA), and other agencies and depositories.

This collection includes as a finding aid, a unified full-textindex of all computer recognizable text in all documents in this collection,making it possible to quickly search all computer recognizable text across allpages of all collections in one search.

The collections include:

Assassination Attempt by Richard Paul Pavlick Secret Service andFBI Files

JFK Assassination Attempt by Richard Paul Pavlick Secret Serviceand FBI Files - 905 pages of Secret Service files, FBI files, and newspaperarticles covering Richard Paul Pavlick and his December 10, 1960, attempt toassassinate President-elect John F. Kennedy in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Richard P. Pavlick was born in Boston, Massachusetts on February13, 1887, and educated in Boston Public Schools. He served in the Army duringWorld War I. After the war he went to work for the Post Office in Boston. Afterretiring in the 1950\'s he moved to Belmont, New Hampshire. In his new hometownhe became known for his public complaints regarding the American flag not beingdisplayed properly, the government, Catholics, and the Kennedy family and theirwealth.

In 1960, Pavlick was disturbed by John Kennedy\'s victory over VicePresident Richard Nixon. The then 73-year-old Pavlick turned over all hisproperty to a local youth camp. He then loaded-up his 1950 Buick and ended upat the Kennedy family compound at Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.

CIA Reports

John F. Kennedy Assassination CIA Reports - 1,287 pages of CIAreports, produced mainly during the months after the assassination of PresidentKennedy on November 22, 1963, copied from material held at the NationalArchives and Records.

The files date from December 9, 1960, to October 20, 1964.

Much of the material covers the time Lee Harvey Oswald spent inthe Soviet Union and his visit to Mexico City two and half months before thedeath of President Kennedy. A CIA produced narrative chronology gives anannotated timeline account of the Oswalds in the Soviet Union from October 1959to November 1962, based on personal documents, interviews, and official andun-official correspondence. A report titled \"Name List with Traces\"contains the names of persons in the Soviet Union known to or mentioned by LeeHarvey Oswald and Marina Oswald. Entries include identifying information from nametraces.

CIA Surveillance of Soviet & Cuban Embassies in Mexico U.S.Government Files

JFK Assassination: CIA Surveillance of Soviet & CubanEmbassies in Mexico U.S. Government Files - 3,027 pages of files related to theCIA\'s surveillance of the Cuban and Soviet Embassies in Mexico during the early1960\'s.

The CIA station in Mexico City kept a close eye on both theembassies of Cuba and the Soviet Union, using “multi-line phone taps, threephotographic sites, a mobile surveillance team and a mail intercept operation,”according to one document. The CIA in the 1960s had ramped up its Mexicooperations to monitor communist activity.

Dallas Police Department Files

John F. Kennedy Assassination Dallas Police Department Files -11,334 pages of Dallas Police Department files, related to the assassination ofPresident John F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, the shooting of Lee HarveyOswald, and Jack Ruby.

Copies of material transferred from the Dallas Police Departmentto the Dallas Municipal Archives, from major items to minutia. The documentsinclude homicide reports, affidavits, witness statements, newspaper clippingsand correspondence.

Ellen Rometsch FBI File

Ellen Rometsch - (President John Kennedy Administration/RobertKennedy) - FBI Files - 478 pages of FBI files covering Ellen Rometsch. Filesdate from 1963 to 1987.

In the CIA biography of CIA Director (1961-1965) John McCone,declassified in 2015, CIA historian David Robage wrote, \"Given McCone\'sfriendship with Robert Kennedy, the chief protector of the president\'sreputation, and his responsibility as DCI for assessing the security damage ofthe Profumo episode, it seems likely that McCone knew the truth about JohnKennedy\'s past link to the Keeler circle, used CIA resources to find out whatshe [REDACTED] and the FBI had uncovered about it, and passed on what helearned [REDACTED] to the attorney general. President Kennedy\'s recklessencounters with women of dubious note, a Mafia moll (Judith Exner) and asuspected East German agent (Ellen Rometsch), among others, were widely knownin official and unofficial Washington at the time and already had causeddifficulties for the administration.\"

Ellen Rometsch was born in Kleinitz Germany, in 1936. After WorldWar II Kleinitz became part of East Germany. In 1955 she immigrated to WestGermany. Ellen Rometsch\'s second husband was Rolf Rometsch, a West GermanMilitary aide assigned to Washington, D.C. Mrs. Rometsch arrived in the U.S. onApril 6, 1961. She was investigated as an internal security threat, as it wasreported that she came from East Germany. The investigation finally determinedthat Mrs. Rometsch did not pose an internal security threat

FBI Reports

John F. Kennedy Assassination FBI Reports - 6,605 pages of investigativereports produced by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the days and monthsfollowing the death of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, copied frommaterial held at the National Archives and Records Administration.

The earliest document in this set is dated July 3, 1961, nearly 21/2 years before the assassination of President Kennedy. These early filescover Oswald\'s residency in the Soviet Union and FBI interviews with Oswaldafter his return to the United States. The bulk of the material was createdafter the assassination of President Kennedy.

The documents include long form reports on Oswald and Jack Ruby.Individual reports address Oswald in Russia, Oswald\'s trip to Mexico,miscellaneous threats made against Kennedy, investigations into allegations ofpersons other than Oswald, and a report titled, \"Hoaxes, False Reports,and Irresponsible Reporting.\"

Two reports cover the attorney, Mark Lane. Less than a month afterthe assassination, Lane published an article in the National Guardianquestioning the initial information about the assassination. Lane went on tobecome a leading critic of the conclusions of the Warren Commission and wroteseveral books including, Rush to Judgment (1966), A Citizen\'s Dissent: MarkLane Replies to the Defenders of the Warren Report (1968), Plausible Denial:Was the CIA Involved in the Assassination of JFK? (1991), and Last Word: MyIndictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK. (2011).

The files include a comprehensive report submitted to the WarrenCommission titled, \"Investigation of Assassination of President John F.Kennedy.\"

Frank Sturgis - Watergate, JFK Assassination, Anti-Castro Activity- FBI and CIA Files

Frank Sturgis - Watergate, JFK Assassination, Anti-Castro Activity- FBI and CIA Files - 3,579 pages of FBI, CIA, The United States House ofRepresentatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), RockefellerCommission (Also known as The United States President\'s Commission on CIAActivities within the United States), and the United States Senate SelectCommittee on Intelligence (SSCI) files covering Frank Sturgis and issuesrelated to him. Some documents in this collection were not declassified untilNovember 2021.

Frank Anthony Sturgis (1924–1993) also known as Frank AngeloFiorini and Frank Anthony Fachetti was one of the five burglars caught breakinginto Democratic Party offices in the Watergate complex. Before this he servedin several branches of the United States military. In 1958, during the CubanRevolution, he fought against Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista\'s forcesalongside Fidel Castro. Later he joined anti-Castro forces and engaged inassassination attempts against Castro. The CIA has vigorously denied Sturgis’sclaims of having once being employed by the Agency.

The files in this collection covers Sturgis\' paramilitaryactivities in Cuba, his involvement and ties to assassins and assassinationplots, accusations about Sturgis being involved in the Kennedy assassinationand an alleged meeting with Lee Harvey Oswald, his involvement in the Watergatebreak-in, and connections to a break-in at the Chilean Embassy.

J.D. Tippit Warren Commission Vertical Files & Other Documents

J.D. Tippit Warren Commission Vertical Files & Other Documents- This collection contains a total of 1,033 pages of files.

J.D. Tippit (September 18, 1924 – November 22, 1963) a 11-yearveteran of the Dallas Police Department was on beat number 78 patrolling theOak Cliff section of Dallas, 15 minutes after the shooting of PresidentKennedy. A description of the assassin had been given to patrol officers as a5\'10\" slender white male, in his early 30s, weighing approximately 165lbs.

At approximately 1:14 p.m., Tippit drove pulled up to apedestrian, later selected from a lineup as Lee Harvey Oswald. Witnessesreported that Tippit and Oswald exchanged words, then Tippit exited his car andas he walked toward Oswald, Oswald drew and fired five shots hitting Tippitfour times.

Jack Ruby CIA Files

JFK Assassination: Jack Ruby CIA Files - 3,862 of pages of CIAfiles related to Jack Ruby, material produced or collected by the Agency.Approximately 2,700 pages of the files are from the CIA. Approximately 1,000pages are FBI and House Select Committee on Assassinations files containinginformation related to both the CIA and Ruby.

Jack Ruby Murder Trial Transcripts, Court Documents, HistoricalDocuments

Jack Ruby Murder Trial Transcripts, Court Documents, HistoricalDocuments - 3,133 pages of trial transcripts, court documents, and historicaldocuments from the trial of Jack Ruby for the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald. Thiscollection includes:

Trial Transcripts and Court Documents

Jack Ruby Handwritten Note

Warren Commission Vertical File

Juror Journals

Allen McCoy Journal

J. Waymon Rose Journal

Jack Ruby Warren Commission Vertical Files

John F. Kennedy Assassination: Jack Ruby: Warren CommissionVertical Files 8,982 pages, in 65 file folders, covering Jack Ruby, selectedfrom the \"Key Persons\" File of the President\'s Commission on theAssassination of President Kennedy, also known as the Warren Commission.

On November 24, 1963, Ruby fatally shot Lee Harvey Oswald, who wasin police custody, in the basement of the Dallas Police Department headquartersbuilding. A Dallas jury found Ruby guilty of murdering Oswald, and Ruby wassentenced to death. Later, Ruby appealed his conviction and death sentence andwas granted a new trial. Ill with lung cancer, Ruby died of a pulmonaryembolism on January 3, 1967, at Parkland Hospital, where Oswald had died andwhere President Kennedy had been pronounced dead after his assassination.

The documents contained in these files were photocopied by theCommission from the mass of documents that were created or accumulated by theCommission, to form a segmented collection of documents covering Jack Ruby.Most documents in this vertical file not created by the Commission were createdby the FBI. Other documents are from the Secret Service, Department of Defense,Dallas Police Department, and other government agencies. These files cover allaspects of the background and activities of Jack Ruby. The documents includeinterviews, reports, transcripts of testimony, depositions, affidavits andwritten statements, memorandums concerning thebackgrounds of individuals,administrative papers, letters of notification, transmittals and so forth.

The file folders\' subjects/titles include: Activities, Reaction toAssassination, Presence at Police Station, Entrance to Basement of PoliceStation, Background, Affiliations, Labor Union Activities, Racketeering andSubversive Activities, Associates and Relatives, Association with Oswald,Business and Financial Interests, Income Tax, Familiarity with the Police,Medical and Personal History, Military Service, Police Record, PoliticalActivities, Travel, Ruby\'s Address Book, Mail and Telegrams, Personal Property,Telephone Calls, Ruby\'s Revolver, Motive, Witnesses Interviewed, Arrest andInterrogation, Trial, Melvin Belli, Conviction and Subsequent Events.

Jim Garrison and Clay Shaw Criminal & Civil Court Documents& Transcripts

JFK Assassination: Jim Garrison and Clay Shaw Criminal & CivilCourt Documents & Transcripts - 5,886 pages of court documents andtranscripts covering the 1969 criminal trial State of Louisiana v. Clay Shawand the 1971 civil trial Clay Shaw v. Jim Garrison.

This collection includes:

Orleans Parish Grand Jury Special Investigation TestimonyTranscripts (1967-1969)

State of Louisiana v. Clay Shaw (1969)

Clay Shaw v. Jim Garrison (1971)

Jim Garrison-Garrison Investigation FBI, CIA & CongressionalFiles

JFK Assassination: Jim Garrison/Garrison Investigation FBI, CIA& Congressional Files - 2,572 pages of FBI, CIA, Commission on CIAActivities within the United States (Rockefeller Commission), House and SenateAssassination Committees files related to Jim Garrison, who was the District Attorneyof Orleans Parish, Louisiana, from 1962 to 1973 and his investigation of andaccusations about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Garrison wasportrayed by Kevin Costner in the Oliver Stone film \"JFK.\" Somematerial in this collection was not released to the public until May 2018.

Jim Garrison\'s Conspiracy Investigation Papers

John F. Kennedy Assassination: Jim Garrison\'s ConspiracyInvestigation Papers - 12,668 pages of records maintained by former New OrleansDistrict Attorney Jim Garrison, concerning his investigation of an allegedconspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy.

The family of Jim Garrison donated these papers to the NationalArchives’ John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection at the request ofthe Assassination Records Review Board. This collection consists of recordskept at the home of Jim Garrison, District Attorney of New Orleans, pertainingto his investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Theserecords were created or collected by Garrison, as part of his investigation andprosecution of Clay Shaw for conspiracy to assassinate President John F.Kennedy.

On March 1, 1967, District Attorney Garrison arrested prominentNew Orleans businessman Clay L. Shaw (1913-1974) and charged him with conspiringto kill President John F. Kennedy. Shaw was tried in 1969. The State ofLouisiana v. Clay Shaw was the only trial ever held in connection with theassassination. After a six-week trial, the jury acquitted Clay Shaw after forty-fiveminutes of deliberation on March 1, 1969.

New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison has been accused ofabusing his power in an attempt to prove his conspiracy theory regarding themurder of the president. Others found that Garrison’s indictment and trial ofClay Shaw provided a credible platform and new momentum for Warren Commissioncritics.

Jim Leavelle Warren Commission Vertical File

JFK Assassination Jim Leavelle Warren Commission Vertical File -James Robert Leavelle (August 23, 1920) is the former Dallas, Texas, homicidedetective who is most famous for being the tan suited man handcuffed to LeeHarvey Oswald\'s right hand, when Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby.

John F. Kennedy November 22-25, 1963, Documents, Interviews, AudioRecordings, and Films

John F. Kennedy: November 22-25, 1963: Documents, Interviews,Audio Recordings, and Films 1,843 pages of documents, 966 minutes of audio, 1hour and 35 minutes of video, and 35 photos related to President John F.Kennedy\'s November 1963 trip to Texas, his assassination and funeral. Materialfrom the National Archives and Records Administration and the John F. Kennedyand Lyndon B. Johnson presidential libraries. Includes recordings of interviewsof Dan Rather, Walter Cronkite, and Lady Bird Johnson.

Judith Campbell Exner - JFK, Sam Giancana and John RoselliAssociate FBI Files

Judith Campbell Exner - JFK, Sam Giancana and John RoselliAssociate FBI Files - 642 pages of FBI files related to Judith Campbell Exner.Some material was not released until November 2017.

Judith Campbell Exner (January 11, 1934 – September 24, 1999),also known as Judith Exner and Judith Campbell, claimed to be the mistress ofU.S. president John F. Kennedy and Mafia leaders Sam Giancana and John Roselli.

Lee Harvey Oswald KGB Files

John Kennedy Assassination - Lee Harvey Oswald KGB Files - Thiscollection is a set of KGB documents given to President Bill Clinton in 1999 byRussian President Boris Yeltsin. The files date from 1959 when Lee HarveyOswald sought defection to the Soviet Union. Each original Russian language KGBdocument is accompanied by a translation later made by the United StatesDepartment of State.

Lee Harvey Oswald Warren Commission Vertical File

John F. Kennedy Assassination: Lee Harvey Oswald Warren CommissionVertical Files - 12,430 pages, in 91 vertical files covering Lee Harvey Oswald,selected from the \"Key Persons\" File of the President\'s Commission onthe Assassination of President Kennedy, also known as the Warren Commission.

The documents contained in these files were photocopied by theCommission from the mass of documents that were created or accumulated by theCommission between December 1963 and November 1964, but some are dated earlier.They were divided into four time periods, Pre-Russian, Russian, Post-Russian, andMurder by Ruby, and then categorized into 91 subject folders concerning LeeHarvey Oswald.

Mark Lane FBI & Warren Commission Files

John F. Kennedy Assassination: Mark Lane FBI & WarrenCommission Files - 2,059 pages of FBI and Warren Commission files involving JFKassassination conspiracy theorist and author Mark Lane. The documents, mostlydating from December 1963 to December 1964, were selected from the \"KeyPersons\" File of the President\'s Commission on the Assassination ofPresident Kennedy, also known as the Warren Commission.

Attorney Mark Lane is best known as an author exploring John F.Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories. In 1966, his book critical of theWarren Commission, \"Rush to Judgment\" became a best seller. In 2011,his \"The Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK,\"was published.

Four weeks after the November 22, 1963, Kennedy assassination, thefar left New York newspaper the National Guardian published an article writtenby Lane. In the article Lane took the role of Oswald\'s defense attorney,addressing several issues including the witnesses who claimed to have seenOswald on the sixth floor of the school book depository; the paraffin testwhich, to Lane, indicated that Oswald had not fired a rifle recently; theconflicting claims about the rifle which at first had been, as the policeannounced, a German Mauser and afterwards an old WWII Mannlicher-Carcano rifle;the Parkland Hospital doctors announcing an entrance wound in the throat; therole of the FBI; and the press, who Lane said convicted Oswald before his guiltwas proven.

Lane later contacted the Warren Commission desiring to participatein the Commission\'s inquiry, representing the interests of Lee Harvey Oswald.Three months later the Commission appointed Walter E. Craig, president of theAmerican Bar Association, to represent the interests of Oswald. However, Lanedid become the attorney chosen by Marguerite Oswald, Lee Harvey\'s mother, topublicly represent Oswald\'s interest.

National Security Agency (NSA) Files

John F. Kennedy Assassination National Security Agency (NSA) Files- 2,484 pages of National Security Agency, NSA, files related to theassassination of President John F. Kennedy. Some material was not declassifieduntil November 2017.

The files date from 1963 to 1995. Much of the material dating nearthe time of the assassination is composed of Communications Intelligence/COMINTreports. These are reports of technical and intelligence information derivedfrom foreign communications by means other than those intended by the senderand received by others than the intended recipients. The specificcorrespondents in these intercepted communications are usually withheld. Muchof the material in this set deals with the NSA’s cooperation with the ARRB.

Newspaper Articles 1963

JFK Assassination Newspaper Articles 1963 - 158 full-pagenewspaper sheet pages from 42 newspaper issues dating from November 22, 1963,to December 25, 1963. Containing coverage of the assassination of PresidentKennedy, the shooting of Governor Connally, and the shooting of Lee HarveyOswald by Jack Ruby. The newspapers include the Evening Star of Washington DCand newspapers from Maryland, Virginia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Minnesota,Michigan, and Alaska.

Richard M. Mosk Staff Member Warren Commission Papers

JFK Assassination Richard M. Mosk Staff Member Warren CommissionPapers - 1,769 pages of documents. These papers help give a view of theinternal work done by the staff of the Warren Commission. The Richard M. Moskpapers, consist of drafts and copies of reports, correspondence between membersof the Commission staff, both personal and professional, interviews andspeeches all related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Richard Mosk joined The President\'s Commission on theAssassination of President Kennedy staff at the age of 25. As a staff member ofthe Warren Commission, he was charged with examining the background of LeeHarvey Oswald.

This collection includes reports by Mosk covering the history ofpresidential protection, history of the secret service, Oswald\'s marksmanship,Oswald family finances, and Oswald\'s life in America after he returned fromRussia.

Mosk wrote legal opinions on pre-assassination issues such asState Department and Immigration and Naturalization Service decisionsconcerning Marina and Lee Oswald\'s return to the United States. Whether MarinaOswald was eligible for entry into the United States; Whether Lee Harvey Oswaldshould have been issued a passport on June 25, 1963, and if that passportshould have been revoked when the State Department received information thatLee Oswald was making inquiries about returning to Russia at the RussianEmbassy in Mexico City in late September and early October.

Secret Service Reports

John F. Kennedy Assassination Secret Service Reports - 2,422 pagesof investigative reports produced by the United States Secret Service in thedays following the assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963,copied from material held at the National Archives and Records Administration.

The reports date from November 24, 1963, to October 24, 1964, andcontain approximately 2,250 discernible pages.

Materials in this set includes: A collection of reports on investigationsby Secret Service agents on issues surrounding the assassination ranging fromkey fundamentals down to minutia. Reports dealing with aspects of PresidentKennedy\'s autopsy. Interviews of Marina Oswald. A report on the origins of the\"Wanted for Treason\" posters featuring President Kennedy distributedaround Dallas. A copy of Lee Harvey Oswald\'s address book.

A comprehensive report dated December 18, 1963, covers theprotection in place at the time of the assassination and the events of November22, 1963. The report is by Chief James J. Rowley of the United States SecretService. The report emphasizes, \"Presidential protection includes not onlyphysical security measures against direct threats or attacks against thePresident, but protection against accidental and impersonal dangers inherent inPresidential travel and other activities. This responsibility must be carriedout, however, in a manner that will not interfere unduly with the officialactivities of the President or with his personal life.\"

United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (1975-1979)

7,845 pages of hearings transcripts a final report.

In 1976, the United States House of Representatives SelectCommittee on Assassinations (HSCA) was created. The Committee investigated theassassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. TheHSCA finished its investigation in 1978 and released its report in 1979. Itfound that JFK\'S assassination was occurred as a result of a conspiracy notinvolving Cuba or the Soviet Union.

The findings of the 1979 House Select Committee on Assassinationsstates that the committee had found \"a high probability that two gunmenfired\" at the president. This conclusion resulted from the last-minute“discovery” of a Dallas police radio transmission tape that allegedly providedevidence that four or more shots were fired in Dealey Plaza. After the reportappeared in print, acoustic experts analyzed the tape and proved conclusivelythat the previous radio transmission tape analysis was wrong.

Warren Commission Complete Report, Hearings, and Exhibits - 27Volumes

President John F. Kennedy Assassination: Warren CommissionComplete Report: Report, Hearings, and Exhibits 27 Volumes - The 19,200 pagescomposed of The Report of the President\'s Commission on the Assassination ofPresident Kennedy, also known as the Warren Commission Report in one volume,and 26 volumes of hearings, interviews, and exhibits.

President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed the President\'s Commissionon the Assassination of President Kennedy, commonly called the WarrenCommission, by Executive Order (E.O. 11130) on November 29, 1963. Its purposewas to investigate the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy onNovember 22, 1963, at Dallas, Texas. President Johnson directed the Commissionto evaluate matters relating to the assassination and the subsequent killing ofthe alleged assassin, and to report its findings and conclusions to him.

Warren Commission FBI Files

John F Kennedy Assassination Warren Commission FBI Files - 8,155pages of internal FBI files covering the Bureau\'s interactions with thePresident\'s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, commonlycalled the Warren Commission. These sets of documents are from the FBIheadquarters file serial number 62-109060.

They record the interaction between the FBI and members of theWarren Commission. They document the work performed by the FBI at the requestof the Warren Commission.

Warren Commission - NARA Records Relating to Key Persons(11/30/1963 - 09/24/1964)

A collection of 673 file folders containing 31,158 pages ofinvestigation documents, generated by the President\'s Commission on theAssassination of President Kennedy (Warren Commission) and other material heldby the National Archives and Records Administration, collected between11/30/1963 and 09/24/1964, related to approximately 665 individuals, with someconnection to individuals or events related to the assassinations of PresidentKennedy and/or Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby.

These files were created for reference to the secondary persons. Includesone or more folders for witnesses who testified before the Commission, gavedepositions, or made affidavits, and for other persons who were involved in theinvestigation to a significant extent. Consists chiefly of electrostaticcopies, but also includes carbon copies and a few signed original documents.Among the papers are Commission documents; transcripts of testimony,depositions, and affidavits given by the witnesses; memorandums concerning thebackground of the persons involved, establishing schedules for hearingwitnesses, or suggesting areas of investigation; covering letters transmittingdepositions. Often the papers consist only of individual pages relating toparticular persons, these pages having been taken or copies from the documentsto which they belong.

This collection contains mostly secondary individuals such asDallas Police Department officer Ted Callaway. Officer Callaway describedrunning after Lee Harvey Oswald as he was fleeing from the J. D. Tippet murdercrime scene, and then chasing after him in a cab.

Among the many individuals who have files in this collection are:

John Jacob Abt (1904 – 1991) an American lawyer and politician,who spent most of his career as chief counsel to the Communist Party USA(CPUSA) and was a member of the Communist Party and the Soviet spy network\"Ware Group\" as alleged by Whittaker Chambers. Abt contacted theDallas Police Department seeking to represent Oswald.

Marion L. Baker a patrolman with the Dallas Police Department gavean affidavit on November 22nd, 1963, stating that he was a motorcycle escortwhen he heard three shots. Shortly afterward he searched the Texas School BookDepository building.

Earle Cabell (1906 – 1975) served as mayor of Dallas, Texas at thetime of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Cabell and his wife met UnitedStates President Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy at Love Field on the morning ofNovember 22, 1963. Cabell\'s wife reported that while riding in Kennedy\'smotorcade through Dealey Plaza, she observed \"a rather long lookingthing\" sticking out of a window of the Texas School Book Depositoryimmediately after the first shot.

John L. Daniels, the parking lot attendant who witnessed theDallas Police Department tow away Jack Ruby\'s car, after removing Ruby\'s dachshundSheba from the car.

August Eberhardt, was a detective with the Dallas PoliceDepartment, who was friends with Jack Ruby and Jack Ruby\'s sister Eva Grant.Eberhardt tells Commission investigators about making social visits to Ruby\'snightclub.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse James Garner who were Lee Harvey Oswald\'slandlords for his apartment at 4905 Magazine Street, New Orleans, Louisiana.Oswald resided there from May to September 1963. They reported on Oswald\'sdifficulty in paying rent.

And material on over 600 other Individuals.

Warren Commission Vertical Files on Core Kennedy Topics

JFK Assassination - Warren Commission Vertical Files on CoreKennedy Topics - 1,209 pages of documents created or gathered by ThePresident\'s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, most commonlyreferred to as the Warren Commission.

This collection contains Commission vertical files on PresidentKennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy. Documents covering the Commission’sinvestigative focus and interviews with witnesses and communications sent tothe Commission from agencies such as the FBI, Secret Service, Dallas PoliceDepartment, and the Dallas County Sheriff Department.

The subjects covered include: Core topics concerning theassassination; Preparations for the trip to Dallas; The motorcade in Dallas;Affidavits and interviews concerning the shots fired; President Kennedy\'sautopsy; The return of the President\'s remains to Washington D.C.; and theactions of Jacqueline Kennedy during the shooting.

Highlights include: A folder labeled \"Kennedy, John F. Tripto Texas.\" Includes an itinerary for the trip, FBI memo on planning forthe trip, a Secret Service memo reviewing the agency’s preliminary survey ofthe trip, memos concerning the trip by the chief of the Dallas PoliceDepartment; Warren Commission Vertical File on President Kennedy’s Motorcade;and Warren Commission Vertical File on shots fired at President Kennedy.

White House - Air Force One – LBJ & Nixon Audio Recordings

John F. Kennedy Assassination White House - Air Force One – LBJ &Nixon Audio Recordings - Twenty-one hours and twenty-one minutes of Air ForceOne and White House recordings, Nineteen hours and fourteen minutes of LBJtelephone recording dealing with the assassination of President John F.Kennedy. Plus, ten hours of PresidentNixon audio recording of conversations with cursory mention of the John F.Kennedy assassination

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